§ 48-37. Regulations.  

Latest version.
  • In order to secure and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the county and subject to rights established by section 48-36 above, inhabitants along the trail and individuals or groups utilizing the trail, the following regulations shall apply to the trail as set forth in subsection 48-31(a):


    There shall be no motorized vehicles allowed upon the trail with the exception of: vehicles belonging to the county, its successors and assigns as may be necessary for law enforcement, maintenance, or other official or authorized use; granted rights-of-way to adjoining property owners; and access by physically challenged individuals who may use electronically operated vehicles, excluding golf carts.


    It shall be unlawful to enter, use, or occupy the trail from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise, except in designated camping areas.


    There shall be no hunting or trapping on the trail.


    No alcoholic beverages shall be carried, exhibited, or consumed upon such trail.


    Camping on the trail shall be allowed only in areas of such trail as shall be designated by an appropriate sign or marker. Camping in designated areas must be established prior to official dusk to observe the official dusk to dawn regulation.


    Trail users shall have the right to have horses and other pets with them so long as such animals are on reins and/or leashes and are under the constant control of the trail users. No vicious or dangerous animals shall be permitted on the trail. Trail users with pets shall be responsible for cleaning up any litter deposited on the trail by their animals.


    There shall be no loitering or excessive noise when trail users are near residences adjacent to the trail.


    It shall be unlawful to remove, destroy, deface, damage, or in any other way vandalize any amenity, facility, building, structure, vegetation, rock, or any object of archaeological, biological, geological, or historical interest, poster, sign, or marker on the trail.


    It shall be unlawful to deposit or leave any refuse, trash, or litter in or upon any area of the trail except by depositing such refuse, trash, or litter in designated refuse receptacles.


    It shall be unlawful for any trail user to fail to yield to other trail users in the appropriate manner as established on the official trail signs.


    It shall be unlawful to possess, ignite, or discharge fireworks or explosive devices on the trail.


    It shall be unlawful to construct, place, or maintain any kind of road, trail, structure, fence, enclosure, communication equipment, or other improvements on the trail unless specifically authorized by the county.


    It shall be unlawful to conduct any commercial activity or concession, or to provide any service, product, or activity for which a fee is charged on the trail, except when a valid permit is issued by the county.


    There shall be no collection of firewood from the trail or adjoining properties by trail users.


    All trail users must abide by official signs placed on the trail.

    (Amdmt. No. O-05-1, § 48-7, 2-15-05; Amdmt. No. O-10-2, 8-3-10)

(Amdmt. No. O-05-1, § 48-7, 2-15-05; Amdmt. No. O-10-2, 8-3-10)