§ 48-36. How "rights" are determined.  

Latest version.
  • Adjacent landowners who wish to have their rights recognized by the county shall submit an application on a form provided by the county setting forth in reasonable detail the nature of such rights. The application shall be immediately forwarded for the review and recommendation of the recreation board, which shall report back to the board of supervisors within 30 days of the date of receipt of the application. The board of supervisors shall respond to the landowner's application within 60 days of its being filed with the county setting forth in such response its acceptance or rejection of the claimed rights. If no recommendation is received from the recreation board within 30 days, the time for determination by the board of supervisors may be extended by the board for an additional period of not more than 30 days to allow for the receipt of the recommendation. If the county rejects the landowner's claim of rights, the county shall set forth its reasons in reasonable detail. If the county agrees to grant such rights to the landowner, the county may do so under such terms and conditions as the county may deem reasonable.

    (Amdmt. No. O-05-1, § 48-6, 2-15-05; Amdmt. No. O-10-2, 8-3-10)

    Editor's note— Amendment No. O-10-2, adopted Aug. 3, 2010, changed the title of § 48-36 from "How "rights" and "licenses" are determined" to "How "rights" are determined."

(Amdmt. No. O-05-1, § 48-6, 2-15-05; Amdmt. No. O-10-2, 8-3-10)

Editor's note

Amendment No. O-10-2, adopted Aug. 3, 2010, changed the title of § 48-36 from "How "rights" and "licenses" are determined" to "How "rights" are determined."